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(Photo) Alan Webb – One of our founding members

Alan Webb still watches over us

29th June 2024

Qualifying Cross Country

Like many students over the last winter/spring months, Brennan Dwyer was only able to complete his QXC today after having it cancelled numerous times due to weather.

Seen here with Instructor Andy, Brennan receives the usual congratulatory gift from Lydd Aero Club. Not long to that PPL now!


Brennan Dwyer - QXC
Paul King First Solo

20th June 2024

Today saw Paul King complete his first solo circuit. Paul started several years ago with a Trial Lesson and keen to start then in 2014, but as time went by another couple of Trial Lessons with the last in 2017, kept up the enthusiasm. Starting “proper” lessons this year Paul quickly became sufficiently proficient to undertake his First Solo. Not wishing to waste the good weather he quickly adapted to the opposite runway to that on which he had done most of his training and, as his Instructor Dianne said, completed an excellent circuit.

Well done Paul, now the hard work begins!

14th June 2024

Another successful Course Completion

Less than a month after completing his Qualifying Cross Country test (See 15th May below) Tim Playfair has successfully completed the whole course to join the ranks with a Private Pilot’s Licence. Obviously excited with his achievement Tim clearly remembered his training with Instructor Bob Marchant.

Seen here with Examiner Bob it’s heartiest congratulations from all at Lydd Aero Club on a job well done.


Tim Playfair passes Skills Test
Richard Phipps QXC

6th June 2024

Richard Phipps today completed his Qualifying Cross Country flights as the next step in his pilot’s qualification. 

It has been a long time coming, but anyone who has worked with Richard will know of his dogged determination confronted with the many adversities he has endured to get here. Starting out on the Cessna aircraft and then having to retrain on the Piper was only one of his many hurdles. At least the weather was kind to him for a change. 

Hopefully today’s achievement will provide the impetus to complete the PPL course very soon.

Well done Richard, you deserve to get that PPL now.

Visiting Oostende, Belgium

3rd June 2024

On this visit we were surprised to be told by the Border Force office that no Declaration had been made and that any attempts to enter without a Declaration may attract an €800 fine. We were told we would be allowed to enter on this occasion and that we “must have completed the wrong form”.

The stop at Oostende was for lunch and to assist a smooth return border crossing for the return, 2 hours was spent at the restaurant completing another Online General Declaration for the outbound flight. (Many restaurants shut Mondays so check!) On completion of the online form a red message appeared that “An error had occurred”. There was no indication what the error was nor how it could be corrected.

On return to the Border Force officer at the airport we were told the Online General Declaration “does not work on a mobile device”. This was surprising since it allowed completion of the form but annoying because it did not warn, nor give any indication why it had been rejected.

Whilst trying to complete our Outbound Declaration we found the receipt for the inbound flight and were able to show the reference number to the BF officer. When he checked his computer it was agreed that we had correctly submitted the inbound Declaration.

Oostende – Runway 26

YES!! – That is 3km and parking is far end.

Runway 26 Ostend - YES 3km

Clearly, this is a new system (started May 2024) and they are obviously having many problems with it. Perhaps this information may be of some assistance to other GA pilots visiting.

BEWARE that €800 fine for non-compliance


Belgian GenDec form for completion at
Jack Fagg - QXC - 20240602

2nd June 2024

Regular visitors to the Club will appreciate there have been a number of new faces on the OPS desk. Already a PPL student with the Club you may now see Jack Fagg on the desk assisting with operations.

Today Jack completed his Qualifying Cross Country which all Pilots will know is a major milestone in the route to your Private Pilot’s Licence. Seen here being congratulated by Instructor Dianne upon his completion

Keep up the good work Jack, you’ll soon see that PPL 

25th May 2024

A major step in any student pilot’s course are the Qualifying Cross Country flights. The QXC consists of 3 flights, landing at two other airports and covering a distance of at least 150Nmiles. This was completed today by Lewis Shepherd.

Seen here with Instructor Dianne being congratulated on this (almost) final step in his practical flight training.

Well done Lewis, from all at Lydd Aero Club


Lewis Shepherd completion of QXC
Josh Knell QXC 6-1-2024

19th May 2024

William Martin didn’t know when he arrived at the Club today that he would be going solo. Will had completed most of his training on Runway 21 but today with a change in the prevailing wind  runway 03 was in use. (for those not aviation minded that is the opposite direction and requires a slightly different circuit due to Restricted Airspace nearby).

Will soon gained confidence with further instruction from Instructor Dianne and she reported that he did very well. A helping hand today was the perfect weather.

Congratulations from all at Lydd Aero Club


15th May 2024

After numerous delays due to inclement weather Tim Playfair finally completed his Qualifying Cross Country flights today.

Receiving congratulations from his Instructor Bob, It must have seem a long time coming to achieve this important stage in Tim’s quest for his Pilot’s Licence.

Tim Playfair and Bob achieve QXC

12th May 2024

Taking advantage of the latest very brief spell of excellent weather is Thai Deekes completing his First Solo.

Joined here with his Instructor Andy and a Certificate to mark the occasion that most pilot’s never forget

 Well done Thai.
Not long to that PPL?
Thai first solo

9th May 2024

John Renshaw has taken up flight training again after a break of 20 something years and today completed his first solo in all that time. We are always told you can’t do your “First Solo” twice, but perhaps we can all understand John’s delight on his achievement today.

Seen here with his current Instructor Dianne and clearly pleased with how the solo flight went.

 Well done John! Now the work really begins.
John Renshaw 2nd First Solo

29th April 2024

18th April 2024

Aerobility Demo

An introduction to Aerobility

Lydd Aero Club Instructors were introduced to Aerobility flying today. Here, in the comfort of the clubroom they were shown how to use the hoist which may be necessary for some students on this course. The instructors later undertook training in the use off the hand controller in Aerobility’s own aircraft.

Later in the day our first client, Anne-Marie took the first Aerobility flight with the Club.

14th April 2024

Another student completes their Qualifying Cross Country flight test. The QXC is a flight of not less that 150Nmiles with three landings, two of which at alternative airports, often this will be Southend and Shoreham. The qualifier this time is David Doe who, like many this year has been seriously delayed by the incessant poor weather. Seen here with Instructor Andy, David now needs to complete his flying hours and the final Skills Test.

 Well done David. Not long to that PPL!
Phil Astell completes Skills Test 1-2-2024
Josh Knell QXC 6-1-2024

24th March 2024

Only a few weeks after completing his Qualifying Cross Country, Josh Knell has gone on to complete both his Thoeretical Exams and his final Practical Skills Test to join the ranks of Private Pilot.

Seen here with examiner Gary, looking justifiably pleased after the test, Josh gave thanks for all the support and training from instructor Dianne and the rest of the Lydd Aero Club team.

Another “Well done Josh” on the successful completion of your PPL course leading to your Private Pilots Licence.

1st February 2024

Starting the month off well! On one of the loveliest weather days for some time Phil Astell completed his Skills Test to join the ranks of Private Pilot.

Seen here with Examiner Bob, Phil receiving the usual congratulations on a job well done.

Congratulations Phil on the successful completion of your pilot training.
Phil Astell completes Skills Test 1-2-2024
Josh Knell QXC 6-1-2024

6th January 2024

First for 2024!

As the whole country sinks under endless flooding one budding pilot took to the skies to complete his Qualifying Cross Country test. This is a flight of at least 150 Nautical Miles with 2 landings at different airports and return to Lydd.

Seen here being congratulated on the latest stage in Josh Knell’s training for his PPL is Instructor Dianne.

Well done Josh on the successful completion of a major part of your pilot training.
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